- Deteriorating Fantasy -
When you were young, did you dream of fantasy worlds with princes and princesses, fairy tales, and happily ever afters? Now, can you even remember what those stories were about or the names of the characters you created? My senior thesis fashion collection aims to determine what happens to these fantasy worlds when we’re done imagining them. Do the characters age? Do they remain ‘happily ever after?’ Do the worlds begin to crumble? Does tragedy ever strike?
As we grow older, we quickly come to the realization that nothing can be perfect forever, yet we create these scenarios in our minds of intangible fantasies that sometimes lead to nothing but sadness because the dreams are just that, a dream.
In my depiction of the forgotten worlds, worlds where everything wished for came true, the idea of perfection no longer exists and the lives of the characters quickly comes to a halt. Without the energy, life, and untainted hope of the dreamer, the magic of the fantasy world is gone, and reality becomes prevalent.
Photographer: Nick Fancher
Models (L to R): Hannah Burns, Gabriella Giglio, Jess Hess, Brianna Herring, Lauren Metelitz
"She never found her prince. Instead, she walked in a world of loneliness until death and despair became her."
"The pain of desperation."
"Along a trail she lost her way, both in the woods and in her mind....."
Textile Design: Michael Bush www.EmptyBush.com
Sponsored by:
Michael Bush | Ron & Nina Walters | Thomas & Tyra LaPens | Susan & Thomas LaPens | Beth & Doug Morgan | Christina LaPens & Joel Diaz | Randy Sharma | Lydia Feddern & Brandon Schilling | Julie & Nick Hazlet | Matt & Christine Pearson | Lisa Beavers | Cynthia Schneider | Shayna Mell | Bethany & Jeremy Thacker | Mark Bryan & Shaun Whybark | Tom Huff | TJ Whitehair | Craig Porter | Liz Balk | Michelle Beyer | Chuck Bradford | Allie Raines | Lori McCalla | Karen Martin